A relevant image that complements the blog post highlighting six compelling reasons for students to adopt digital notebooks at school. The image features a students heading to her a classroom setting, she's engaged with her digital devices, using digital notebooks for note-taking and organization. This visually underscores the educational benefits discussed in the blog post, providing a compelling context for the content.

Taking notes is a necessary and important part of being a successful student. Whether you're in college, high school or even pre-school, note-taking is central to learning and gaining information. There are some students who swear by their laptops and others who prefer pen and paper. What if I told you that Digital Notebooks are the perfect blend of both worlds! Taking notes on a tablet, allows you to use a keyboard or a stylus to take your notes. Here are six ways digital notebooks can help you make the most out of school:

1. Digital Note-Taking is so much easier

When taking notes on paper, there are not shortcuts, you have to rewrite everything. That's why I want to show you how digital note-taking can help you in the long run.

In digital note-taking, you don't have to rewrite anything you have already written, you can duplicate any of your words or drawing. It's going to save you so much time, because you're not wasting time rewriting things all the time. You could even go a step farther and import digital stickers of pre-drawn columns so you have it ready in a second, instead of worrying of drawing the perfect lines while you are trying to recreate what the teacher is drawing on the board. I see you, little perfectionist.

Another advantage of taking notes on a tablet, is that you can use a keyboard or a stylus to take your notes. If you love taking notes by hands because it helps you memorise your lesson better but don't like your handwriting, you can even turn it into a font. This will allow you to make all of your notes look uniform and aesthetic, which will make it much more enjoyable for you later on when you'll need to review your notes to get ready for a test.

2. Digital notebooks can have images imported in them

That’s right! You can import images into your digital notebooks! This is a really great way to make sure you don't miss any important information in class.

If your teacher shows you an image on the screen, it's easy to take a picture of what they're showing and quickly import them into your notebook so that you can annotate it later. This allows you to be more focused during the class and not miss any information.

3. Digital Notebooks are Easy to Organize

You could use separate notebooks for different types of notes. For example, you could have one pink notebook for all your math notes and a purple one for your history class. You could even create a notebook just for your homework assignments! The trick here is to use different digital notebook covers to visually separate the theme of your notebooks.

If you are using a hyperlinked digital notebook you could give each section of the notebook a name. For example if your math notebook has 12 hyperlinked sections you could name them : Addition, Substraction, Multiplication, Division, Fractions, Decimals, Algebra, geometry, measurement, etc. The possibilities are endless!

4. Digital Notebooks can be Easy On the Eyes

As a student, you are likely to spend quite a bit of time on your laptop or tablet. This means that you are going to look at a screen for often long hours in a row when studying for school. Digital notebooks are easier on the eyes because they allow users to adjust text size and font type with ease, which can make reading more comfortable as well as more efficient.

At TheEasyTemplate we created dark mode digital notebooks so it’s easier for eyes after hours of staring at a screen during school days (or even late nights). To avoid digital eye strain, you could follow those 6 tips to make studying on your tablet easier on your eyes.

5. Digital Notes are Easy To Back Up

A digital notebook is just like any other notebook except it’s digital and allows you to save your notes online. This means that your notes will be accessible from anywhere in the world if you saved them on the cloud. No longer do you need to carry around lots of books with you or worry about losing them; all you need is a laptop, phone or tablet with internet access and you can access your entire digital notebook whenever you want!

If you are worry about losing your notes and want another layer of protection in addition to the cloud, you could keep a local copy of your notes by simply exporting your digital notebook and saving it on a hard disk or USB stick.

6. Digital notebook can be cross-device

Whenever a digital notebook is saved on a cloud it becomes a cross-device notebook, which makes it very convenient to use. For example, you can use the same digital notebook on your computer at school and then continue working on it on your iPad or iPhone during lunch.

This also makes it easy to work from any location with an internet connection. You don't need to worry about syncing or saving your work because it's already stored in the cloud.

Taking digital notes is a much more effective way of taking notes at school

As you can see, there are many reasons why taking digital notes is a much better option than taking handwritten ones. Not only does it make your life easier, but it also helps you get ahead in school. There are some great PDF Annotation apps out there, like GoodNotes or Notability, that you can use to create effective digital notebooks that will help you ace your classes and keep up on assignments without breaking into a sweat!

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